Let's start with TheVision Board.
Jack Canfield explains it well..."How to Create a Vision Board that Depicts the Future You Wish to Create
Find pictures that represent or symbolize the experiences, feelings, and possessions you want to attract into your life, and place them in your board. Have fun with the process! Use photographs, magazine cutouts, pictures from the Internet–whatever inspires you. Be creative. Include not only pictures, but anything that speaks to you.Consider including a picture of yourself on your board. If you do, choose one that was taken in a happy moment. You will also want to post your affirmations, inspirational words, quotations, and thoughts here. Choose words and images that inspire you and make you feel good."
More from Jack about the process of creating
I have been slowly working on my own version ...in SL
I am taking my time ..putting and taking off some pictures.
It is a fun process ...as I see my future full of surprises
I really like the symbol of the tree I found it on SL Marketplace
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